FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 6, 2023
Bridgewater, MA – The Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation began its 2023 fundraising drive on September 1, 2023.
“September is our bucket-filling month. We spend the entire year focused on planning events and developing resources. In September, we take a moment to reflect and regroup.” – Randee Wilding, Chief Operating Officer
When 2023 closes, the Dock C. Bracy Center will have facilitated four Eradicating Racism: A Path Forward learning series; twelve Reading for Understanding virtual book discussions and ongoing Finding Your Voice Program meetings. This year, we launched our quarterly Let’s Talk Series as outreach, public education and the creation of resources.
Currently, 70 people have signed our Anti-Racism Pro-Human Reconciliation Pledge and there are 258 website subscribers. Our website has received over eight thousand views and we have expanded our social media presence.
We began delivering our Eradicating Racism: A Path Forward learning series in 2020 and we seek to support individuals who want to eradicate racism in their communities, and our efforts are growing.
We want to share with you the exciting initiatives we are planning to launch in 2024 and are asking for your financial support:
Expanded Eradicating Racism: A Path Forward learning series offering
Creation of Conversations with Paul videos and Dock’s Corner
Continued Let’s Talk Series expert speakers
Launch of Train the Trainer program
Increase collaboration with other organizations
Growing Reading for Understanding monthly virtual book discussions
“Though we believe that people should not have to pay to gain the knowledge and skills needed to eradicate racism and other forms of human oppression, the reality is there are costs incurred to deliver our services. We do all we can to minimize our cost; currently no paid staff, everyone volunteers their time and expertise. Your kind donations in the past have allowed us to come this far in supporting you and others.” – Paul S. Bracy, Founder and President
There is much more to do. Please consider doing one or more of the following to support the Center’s work:
Buy us a coffee, $5
Buy us a book to raffle for the Reading for Understanding book discussions, $15
Buy a sweatshirt or cup for raffling, $30
Help buy a licensed resource for use in the Finding Your Voice Program, $75
Pay it forward for a person to attend the Eradicating Racism learning series, $100
Help sustain our organization by making ongoing monthly donations
While supplies last, those who donate $75 or more will receive a Center mug at the address provided.
The beauty of a learning organization such as ours is that we continue to learn from our participants and revise and increase our offerings accordingly in support of you. With your financial support, we will continue to do this for years to come until we achieve our shared vision.
“The United States of America is a country where all children are valued and have equal access to health, happiness, education, personal freedom, and economic security. All institutions conduct their business in a manner to ensure the human rights of every child.“
Online #donations may be made at:
Checks may be mailed to:
Dock C. Bracy Center Inc.
P.O. Box 271
Bridgewater, MA 02324
About the Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation
The Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation is committed to human reconciliation and the eradication of racism and other forms of human oppression. Our work focuses on healing the internal emotional and cognitive harms that have allowed racism to continue to thrive in our society. We support the efforts of many other groups and individuals by providing opportunities for learning and self-reflection so that strategies to eradicate racism can become more successful. Additional information about the Center can be found by visiting the website and by following @dcbcenter.
Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation