Live Interactive Event
Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 7-9 p.m. EST
You’re invited! Join others committed to standing up for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at
the inaugural event of the Dock C. Bracy Center Let’s Talk Series. On Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 7-9 p.m. EST, nationally known DEI pioneers Laura L. Kangas and James O. Rodgers will share lessons learned from a lifetime of helping others to become more inclusive. Based on
their new book, Diversity Training that Generates Real Change; Inclusive Approaches that Benefit Individuals, Business, and Society (Berrett-Koehler, 2022), Laura and James will share both what led them to write this book and key learnings for facilitating real change in a wide variety of organizations. Always generous with their wisdom, their interactive talk will resonate with anyone who wants to support the creation of more diverse, inclusive, and equitable
Dr. James O. Rodgers is president and principal consultant of The Diversity Coach. He is
recognized as a thought leader and a leading strategist in the field of diversity management,
providing high-end executive coaching, DEI advice, and counsel to senior executive teams.
Laura L. Kangas is a global DEI, organizational, and management development consultant,
workshop and program designer, facilitator, speaker and writer.
James and Laura have teamed up to write a masterful book, sharing the approach, techniques and wisdom that they have learned consulting to countless organizations and advising numerous leaders. Although addressed most directly to those responsible for DEI training in organizations, Diversity Training that Generates Real Change speaks to anyone who cares about DEI and wants to facilitate real change in their organization, community or life.
The Center has chosen this event to kick off its Let’s Talk Series because Laura’s and James’s head, heart and hands approach to DEI aligns so closely with that of the Center. In fact, in their book they quote the Center’s founder, Paul S. Bracy, as pointing out to groups that, although “the ‘shaming and blaming’ game may temporarily make some people feel better” . . . “We were all born into this, none of us created this, our job is to understand it and fix it.”
Join us via Zoom on January 18, 2023, 7 – 9 p.m. EST, for an interactive event to learn tested
ways to better understand and fix our organizations and communities. You’re sure to leave
pondering new DEI wisdom that helps you to more effectively use your head, heart and hands
to help achieve a more just and more inclusive world. Register at: