#SupportNonProfits #RacialJustice #CommunityAction #DonateToday #EqualityForAll #SocialImpact #EndRacism #501c3 #GiveBack #NonProfitOrg
We’re very excited to report a donation matching opportunity!
All donations will be matched up to $10,000, by an anonymous donor.
Please donate today.
Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Cash App Pay with Stripe: https://donate.stripe.com/aEUeXq8gZdKO95mcMN
Venmo: https://venmo.com/dcbcenter
Checks may be mailed to:
Dock C. Bracy Center Inc.
P.O. Box 320020
Boston, MA 02132
In Peace,
Randee Wilding, Chief Operating Officer
Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcbcenter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dockcbracycenter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dcbcenter
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/company/dcbcenter
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@dcbcenter