The Pledge
Anti-Racism Pro-Human Reconciliation Pledge
Our shared vision:
The United States of America is a country where all people – children and adults – are valued and have equal access to health, happiness, education, personal freedom, and economic security. All institutions conduct their business in a manner to ensure the human rights of every person.
Mindful of the continuing affliction of racism and the daily realities of all forms of bias, prejudice and bigotry in my own life, my family, my circle of friends, my co-workers, and the society in which I live, it is with conviction, commitment, and hope that I take this pledge. I am fully aware that the struggle to eradicate racism will not end with a mere pledge, and this effort requires a mindset that calls for an ongoing transformation within myself, within my community, and within the institutions and structures of our society.
I pledge to educate myself on racism issues and all other forms of human oppression and to share my learning with my family, my circle of friends, my co-workers, and my community even if it means challenging conversations with those I encounter.
I pledge to seek out information and opportunities to understand how I and others have been affected by racist mythology and to expand my consciousness to be more aware and sensitive to the use of overt and subtle expressions of racial stereotypes.
I pledge to display courage in the presence of racial injustice, to call out racism where and when it occurs and to facilitate open and compassionate conversations that will contribute to better understanding of the effects of racist mythology on all people.
I pledge to support public policy solutions that will prominently, openly, and enthusiastically promote racial equity in all aspects of human affairs, and to work to eradicate racism from our society.
“You must be the change you want to see in the World.” Mahatma Gandhi.
This pledge is adapted from the Bridgewater Communities for Civil Rights and the YWCA Hartford Stand Against Racism Pledge.
Updated 5/31/22: Changed "The United States of America is a country where every child’s human right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are understood as paramount and a priority for the society. All institutions from local to federal lead and conduct their business in a manner to ensure the human rights of every child. I will do my part to make this vision a reality by making a personal pledge of commitment." to "The United States of America is a country where all children are valued and have equal access to health, happiness, education, personal freedom, and economic security. All institutions conduct their business in a manner to ensure the human rights of every child."
Updated 3/3/24: Changed "where all children are valued" to "where all people – children and adults – are valued"
Updated 3/12/22: Changed "government bodies" to "institutions"